Category Blog

Why Does Mental Health Matters?

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“Why should I see a counsellor or a psychologist? I am not crazy, only crazy people meet them.” “You are the one who is having issues, go see a counsellor or psychologist!” “You are seeing a counsellor then you must…

Understanding Mental Health Professionals

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Nowadays, it is common to hear people talking about mental health. As far as people are concerned about their physical health, they have also started to be worried about their mental health. Everyone knows that we need to go to…

Do you LIKE or LOVE someone?

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Source: Picture by Mehak Fatima from Google. What is the difference between “I love you” and “I like you”? ‘Liking’ and ‘Loving’ are both related to communication, interaction, and attachment between two people. ‘Love’ and ‘Like’; both words start with…

Mental Illness Is Not “Cool”

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Photo by Zachary DeBottis from Pexels. “To those who struggle with real mental health issues: I’m so sorry you have to watch people try to turn them into a fashion trend.” – Mellet, T. S. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO),…

Holiday Grief Approaching 2022


Picture source: It is that time in which the new year begins soon, which opens up to plenty of holidays and working people clearing their leave. New Year, Chinese New Year, Thaipusam, the list grows on as the calendar…